New Year, Same Me: My 2018 Resolutions

What a whirlwind 2017 was.

I feel like I spent a lot of 2017 "getting back on my feet". After a string of bad relationships, my mental health taking a bashing and a dodgy career move - I needed to take some time out to rebuild.

Thankfully, everything fell into place. I got my "old" job back and discovered what I ultimately want to do for a career, I reevaluated my life, saved up and moved into a flat and met a wonderful man that I'm lucky enough to call my boyfriend.

1. Focus on improving my mental health
As life got busy, I put my mental health issues into a box labelled "I'll deal with this when it next bothers me" (a mental box I frequently use). And not surprisingly, as the pressures of Christmas Day approached, I found myself feeling a little bit under the weather mentally.

I have major self confidence issues which, I think, stems from being cheated on and being in an abusive relationship. When I do experience love or affection, my mind defaults to this sense that I don't deserve it, that I'm worthless and why would anyone want to invest time in me?!

This is not healthy and is something I plan to focus on in 2018.

2. Pass my CII Financial Planning Exams
2017 was the year I figures out just what I want to do with my life and in late December, I enrolled myself in my first exam to begin the journey to obtaining my financial planning Diploma. The goal is to have passed two exams by June/July (so I better get started!!).

3. Read More
I definitely lost my reading mojo in 2017. In fact, I probably only read a maximum of 2 books cover to cover. Yet, my "to read" list is ever expanding. I'm starting small and setting a minimum goal of 5 books by the end of the year.

And that's that. My three resolutions for 2018: On health related, one career related and one personal.

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