The daunting first post..

I was a little unsure how best to tackle my first post on here. Do I get stuck in and write a full on article about a topic of my choice or start with an introduction and plan of what I intend with this wee spot of the internet.. and considering you are reading this, you will see I decided upon the latter.

I used to write a beauty blog. I started it when I was about 18 years old and maintained it for a while.. until I realised there was more to life than spending £60 on an eye shadow palette (not much more though...). I gave it up, packed it all in and took a break from writing.

But as time went on, I found that I missed venting my thoughts online. I missed being able to sit down with a cup of tea and type something out to relieve the stress of day to day life. Thus.. I'm back and trying things again with a new initiative.

I'm considering this a "lifestyle" blog. Not because I have a lifestyle to envy (no way, jose!) - I'm still trying to navigate how to pay my rent on a crap salary whilst also maintain a social life and train to become a financial planner. But because, I've seen a real gap in the market to write about the things I want to write about: whether that be how the new budget really affects like minded millennials like myself or how to make your own Christmas wreath. There is no theme, just what I want to write and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I like writing it.

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